At Conversion Bug, we believe in systematic and consistent pricing which, simultaneously, is flexible and responsive to the variety of unique needs of our diverse clientele. Following are our pricing policies:


This model is best suited for such a case when you are not very sure about the exact scope, specifications, and implementation plans at the project onset. This plan allows you the flexibility essential in such a case.

When we receive your project design/specifications, we would send you an estimate of the number of hours the project would take to complete, and quote our per hour prices accordingly, based on project complexity. For small projects, you’d need to pay the amount in advance, for the number of man-hours you’d like to buy. For larger projects, installments can also be agreed upon.

An hourly pricing package can work in a number of ways:

  • You can purchase “n” number of weekly hours (say, 30). Then, every week, for 30 hours, our developers would work on your project, and you’d be given a delivery date based on the calculations of time required accordingly.

  • If you need just a minor fix or development work, you can opt for smaller per-hour packages as well, for only the tasks you need to be done.

  • For an ongoing project, and a particular budget to spend, you can buy monthly hours-per-week package, instead of weekly one, which would mean that we would spend that many hours per month, working on your project.

  • And the list above is not exhaustive- when teams from both our firms sit down to discuss the pricing, any solution, any payment plan, that both of us like, can be agreed upon. This flexibility is the biggest USP of this package.

Estimated Man-Hours for a Project

Following are the average man hours we need to work on a project, depending on project type.
The hourly rates vary from project-to-project, and would be quoted and discussed during our project discussions with your team.

  • Simple ecommerce – 150 – 250 hours

  • Simple module -20 hours (min.)

  • Adding responsive – 40 hours (min.)

  • Magento upgrade – 20 hours (min.)



You can buy exactly what you need, in just-as-much-as-needed quantities: a certain number of hours that our developers would spend on your project each month (or week), for an ongoing project (extension development, site maintenance, etc.)
You also have an option to avail smaller hourly packages for minor development works like bug fixes etc.


Risk is minimized, since payment happens in installments, instead of one, in-advance installment. You would have full access to the code, right from the project inception. If any limiting or change in the scope of work is needed, that can be incorporated easily, and invoices adjusted accordingly, without going through the complete project negotiations all over again.

Test drive

A test package can be bought as a demo or test, before you go for purchasing a bigger hourly package.
For this, we need a code fragment from you, that our developers would audit. Within 10 hours of our confirming the reception of code, we would mail you an audit report, detailing suggested improvements.
In this way, not only do we get a chance to showcase our services to you, but our developers also get familiarized with your project- which would help them finish the project faster, should you (hopefully) choose to work with us.

Fixed Price Model

You should go for this payment model, should you have well-defined project requirements and schedule. Here, you’d pay a predetermined (in project discussions) price for completion of a complete project, linked to objective and priorly fixed project deliverables.
This is how this model works:

  • You would forward your definition of requirements to Conversion Bug.
    If you don’t have it already, you can hire our Business Analysts’ services for the same, who would study your business in its entirety, and recommend a set of definition of requirements based on the same.

  • Based on your definition of requirements, our Business Analysis team would prepare a detailed Business Requirement Specifications (BRS) document, containing a wireframe, technical specifications, and a business flow of project.

  • We would submit you a detailed proposal, based on the BRS document, containing the estimates of cost and time frame.

  • After completing the final deliverable, the project undergoes acceptance testing and deployment, followed by user training and handover to you.

  • We also provide post-delivery services, should you desire, both during the field trials, as well as after the project release.

We would like to assure you that we follow the most efficient management and quality assurance standards and practices with all our projects; all the communication is transparent, and our project delivery is 100% seamless.


Clarity of Vision

From the very beginning, due to clear project objectives, pricing, method of communications, etc., there’s a clarity about projects parameters, and expectations are set accordingly.

Easier Evaluation of Deliverables

Since the deliverables, as well as the time-frame and cost, have been fixed in the very beginning, evaluation these type of projects is far easier.

No Unanticipated Delays

Since both you and I would have solidified our commitments on the onset itself, you wouldn’t have to face any unexpected delays- which sometimes happens in flexible projects, due to a request of some change in the scope of work, by the clients.

Hire Dedicated Resource/Team

In this model, Conversion Bug offers you specialized services of its best developers, exclusively dedicated to your project, for the entire lifecycle of your project. We highly recommend this model to our long-term clients and partnerships, who have significant amount of development work to be done, and slightly unique aspects of their business, that a developer starts understanding intimately, in a prolonged engagement. This makes the work faster for the client, and easier for the developer.

This is also the best model for any such clients who have a certain degree of complexity involved in their project requirements, for the same reason. For them as well, changing of the developer in between the project is not desirable, if understanding the complexity of their requirements needs some extended time.


Reliable Long-Term Development Outsourcing

When you know that you have the developer committed to your project for its life cycle, it brings a certain reliability into the working relationship, along with enhancing developer’s understanding of your business, which does streamline the development work,in any case.

Matched Quality and Standards, with Freedom from Employer Commitments

You get to avail the best project management, tracking and process capabilities and practices, along with our exclusively dedicated developers, matching even the best of your standards, without any permanent employment commitments. Since they would be employed by Conversion Bug, so those aspects would be managed by us.

Commitment of Physical Resources

The same level of exclusive dedication, as with the developers, is awarded to important physical resources- like communication equipments, cyber security setup, etc.- as well. As long as your project continues, the dedicated physical resources remain committed to your project alone, and would not be used for other purposes.

Flexibility of Hourly Model

Just like in Hourly model of pricing, you can request any change in the scope of work, at any point in time. And even with this, projects usually get completed faster in this model, because of increased availability of personnel and resources.

Let’s Get Started…
